On the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse the last week in May several years ago, I was privileged to be a speaker at James Tyberonn’s Earth-Keepers Crystalline Stargate Conference. Then, as now, this eclipse is a time of transition and completion when we feel inspired to take action on a new idea or plan. The Buddhists call this sacred time WESAK—the date the Buddha achieved enlightenment. Archangel Metatron and the Ascended Masters were present, the veils were thinned, and clarity was enhanced. This is an excerpt from my presentation in which Mary Magdalene asked that her message be included, directed to those in the ballroom and viewing livestream, and now on facebook. Her message is part of the karmic completions of many people and leads to full awakening of consciousness of those still asleep. “After my Beloved returned from Egypt, he brought the sacred crystal given him by the priests after his initiation in the Great Pyramid. They told him it was one of three crystal orbs recorded with t