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5 Timeline Connections and Karmic Completions


By Jeri Castronova, PhD

Releasing impediments to a fully functioning conscious being is the purpose of ceremony, regardless of religion, culture, or timeline. I've participated in and led ceremonies for at least 30 years, in this lifetime. They seem to be a part of me, something that is familiar and comfortable, like a table set with bowls of steaming stew in a warm, dimly lit room on a cold night—something to be enjoyed, savored, and shared.

 My first spiritual/metaphysical teacher, Rev. Rosalyn Bruyere, founder of the Healing Light Center in Glendale, CA, taught Egyptian, Atlantean, and Delphic healing and ceremonial techniques, which I still use and have expanded upon depending on the needs of the participants.

On my first trip to Egypt and Greece with her group, we did impromptu ceremonies at Luxor and Delphi, which served to enhance the memories of the past when I walked the temples as a priestess in both sacred sites. At the spring in Delphi I filled my water bottle.

When I returned home, at the next workshop I had scheduled at the Gay and Lesbian Center in Hollywood, the director was not sure whether the women’s group were ready for a ceremony. After I explained the purpose, they all agreed to try it. When they drank the Delphi water and allowed me to anoint them on the head and hands, they all felt a kinship with the ancient practices of the Goddess. Several were even crying, saying they had never experienced a closeness with the Feminine in their churches.

As a Clinical Psychologist, trained in traditional psychology, I worked in two state hospitals in California with schizophrenic, bipolar, suicidal, homicidal, self-abusive, psychopathic, and assaultive patients. I sometimes look back and ask - why did I put myself in such emotionally and physically charged, sometimes dangerous situations? Even with the bureaucratic nonsense, the answer is always: the patients: those I helped, those I couldn't help, and those who didn't want help.

I didn't realize it then, but the days I thought were wasted on too much paperwork, or groups that ended in everyone mad at everyone else, or using kind words and soft energy to deescalate a rising provocation, or meetings that went nowhere, it all had purpose. It all meant something. At a very deep level, it all meant a karmic completion, for me and my patients. Even the simple act of sitting in silence with a patient, lighting a votive candle and saying a prayer had meaning.

What I know now is much more than I knew then about finishing past timelines. As I look back, it seemed as if the angels arranged the perfect scenario for explaining how karma works.

A part of my duties included court testimony as an expert witness in competency hearings. One of my more unforgettable cases was a young man who had been at the hospital only six months who was up for a competency review in his B&E case (breaking and entering). An eighteen-year-old African-American first time offender, or rather the first time he'd been caught, he tested at the bottom range of average on the intellectual scale. But I saw promise in him, worked with him individually for months, and did not want him to stay longer, or he'd become institutionalized, as most of our patients were. Raised by his grandmother, he never knew his parents, and had dropped out of school.

I testified that he was ready to leave the hospital and would return to live with his grandmother, who would offer support and help him find a job. He was not assaultive, attended regular therapy and groups, and gained his grounds privileges. The judge granted him his freedom.

We walked out of the hospital courtroom in silence, both of us in awe of something greater going on, yet not having a clue what it was. I've never felt that feeling before or since, and I'm sure he felt the same. The completion of karma in the form of Freedom. I realized by giving him a precious gift, I too was blessed. He knew it too. And he recognized the opportunity for a new life, one he would treasure and treat with respect and kindness.

The next day his grandmother came to pick him up. Everyone on the unit told him goodbye and good luck and especially ‘don’t come back.’ His grandmother kept me informed that he went back to school and got a part time job and was determined to stay out of trouble.

Months later I had a dream: I was a young girl in ancient Rome and young men came to me and gave me their gold medallions they had earned in the army for bravery. I had around ten of these CD-sized discs they wore proudly around their necks, with no idea what to do with them or why I had them.

This was the kind of dream that if someone came to me as a clinician, I'd say: you have a treasure in hand given you by admirers. But it was much more than a superficial dream analysis.

When I mentioned to a psychic friend my experiences at the state hospitals, and the court testimony I did, she said I had known this young man in a life in ancient Rome when, as the daughter of a wealthy senator, soldiers would come and give me their gold medallions, which meant they offered me their lives upon discharge—a common practice among the soldiers who had no family. When the daughter married, they would go with her and her new husband, thereby assuring their lifelong security if they chose to start a family. They could live and work on the estate and would protect the family, accompany the young wife to the marketplace, watch after the children, and perform other duties as required.

So here we were again—the soldier and the girl, but this time he chose unconsciously to be committed to a hospital where his life was again in jeopardy, and where he would meet the girl who he once protected, and who now protected him. Because he decided to take responsibility for his actions in this life, proving himself worthy, I gave him his freedom.

My guidance told me there were three other Roman soldiers who were in my care at the hospital, and I knew exactly who they were. All my patients were special, but with these there was a bond, a connection of subtle recognition.

As a student of ancient history, I had never heard of this custom of the discharged soldiers choosing to accompany a daughter of a wealthy senator after her marriage. She would become a Roman matron with her own riches and power. This small piece of information is nowhere in the Roman histories that I know of,  and now adds to our knowledge of Roman culture. 

When we reach a stage in life where we look back and see the connections between past and present, we can see the magnificence of the divine plan and the unique choices we make to set up the Grand Finale. We can be slaves who earn our freedom, or masters who grant freedom. Or light beings who are truly free.

And suddenly the future appears with more clarity. I wouldn't trade those years in the psychiatric hospitals for anything. I learned a great deal about human behavior, the worst and the best. And a lot about myself. I’m semi-retired now from clinical duties, and have expanded into spiritual pursuits such as energy healing, past life regression, rebirthing the divine feminine, visionary art, and  Award-winning Author of nine books.

Please visit my website at 


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